Suriet 1: MEP James (Jim) FITZSIMONS attends a plenary session in Strasbourg in July 1993
Suriet 2: MEP Johannes Wilhelm PETERS attends a plenary session in Brussels in September 1993
Suriet 3: MEP Johannes Wilhelm PETERS attends a plenary session in Brussels in September 1993
Suriet 4: MEP Johannes Wilhelm PETERS attends a plenary session in Brussels in September 1993
Suriet 5: MEP Manuel MEDINA ORTEGA attends a plenary session in Strasbourg in July 1993
Suriet 7: MEP Nicolas ESTGEN attends a plenary session in Brussels in October 1993
Suriet 8: MEP Nicolas ESTGEN attends a plenary session in Brussels in October 1993
Suriet 9: MEP V?©ronique MATHIEU
Suriet 10: New Year reception at the Royal Palace of Brussels
Suriet 11: PECH Committee - Discussion with Jaime SILVA, Portuguese Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, President-in-Office of the Council
Suriet 12: PETI Committee - Hearing of candidates for the position of European Ombudsman
Suriet 13: PETI Committee - Hearing of candidates for the position of European Ombudsman
Suriet 14: Plenary session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Suriet 15: Portrait of MEP Bill NEWTON DUNN in 1990
Suriet 16: Portrait of Miguel Angel MORATINOS, Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister at the European Parliament
Suriet 17: Proposal to offer the Nobel prize of Peace to the penninsula of Salento in Italy.
Suriet 18: Public signature of the Services Directive, with Finnish Trade and Industry Minister Mauri PEKKARINEN
Suriet 19: Signature by Josep BORRELL FONTELLES EP President and Atzo NICOLAI, Dutch European Affairs Minister
Suriet 20: Signature of the Budget for 2006
Suriet 21: Signing of the Budget agreement at the EP in Strasbourg.
Suriet 22: TRAN Committee_Meeting
Suriet 23: Usher at work at the EP in Strasbourg.
Suriet 24: Visit of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE to the EP in Strasbourg
Suriet 25: Visit of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE to the EP in Strasbourg
Suriet 26: Visit of the President of France to the EP in Strasbourg.
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