MOSAR, Laurent (LU)

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek signs the golden book of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg while the President of the Chamber Laurent Mosar (L) looks on, on November 09, 2010 in Luxembourg.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (L) shakes hands with President of Chamber Laurent Mosar while he leaves the Chamber of Deputies on November 09, 2010 in Luxembourg.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (L) smiles with President of Chamber Laurent Mosar while he leaves the Chamber of Deputies on November 09, 2010 in Luxembourg.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (R) leaves the Chamber of Deputies with the president Laurent Mosar, on November 09, 2010 in Luxembourg.

President Jerzy Buzek signs the golden book of the Chamber of Deputies beside the President of the Chamber Laurent Mosar (L), November 09th, 2010 at Luxembourg.

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