Fotografi 1: AFET Committee exchange of views with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Croatia.
Fotografi 2: AFET committee exchange of views with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein.
Fotografi 3: AFET committee exchange of views with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein.
Fotografi 4: AFET committee exchange of views with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway.
Fotografi 5: AFET Committee exchnge of views with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Croatia.
Fotografi 6: AFET committee meeting with the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority.
Fotografi 7: Bart Staes during a radio interview
Fotografi 8: Carles-Alfred GASOLIBA i BOHM in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 9: Chris DAVIES in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 10: Christa RANDZIO-PLATH in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 11: Christoph KONRAD at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 12: Christoph KONRAD at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 13: Christopher HUHNE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 14: Commissioner for Budget at a meeting at the EP
Fotografi 15: Commissioner for the Environment in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 16: Diemut R. THEATO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 17: Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 18: Doris PACK at a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 19: EC President in Plenary Session in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 20: EC President in Plenary Session in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 21: Emmanouil BAKOPOULOS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 22: Enrico FERRI in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 23: Enrico FERRI in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 24: EP President meets the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Syria.
Fotografi 25: EP Secretary General in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 26: EP Secretary General in a meeting.
Fotografi 27: EP Secretary General in a meeting.
Fotografi 28: Family picture of the new Commission with the EP President.
Fotografi 29: Franz TURCHI in plenary session in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 30: Georg JARZEMBOWSKI in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 31: Georges GAROT in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 32: Giacomo SANTINI at a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 33: Giacomo SANTINI at a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 34: Giuseppe NISTICO at a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 35: Graham WATSON in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 36: Guido BODRATO and Romano PRODI in plenary session at the EP in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 37: Guido BODRATO and Romano PRODI in plenary session at the EP in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 38: Gunnar HOKMARK in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 39: Helle THORNING-SCHMIDT in plenary session in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 40: Interview with Pat COX.
Fotografi 41: Interview with Pat COX.
Fotografi 42: James ELLES in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 43: Jan DHAENE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 44: Jean SAINT JOSSE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 45: Jean-Louis BOURLANGES in a meeting at the EP in Strasbourg.
Fotografi 46: Jose Ignacio SALAFRANCA SANCHEZ-NEYRA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 47: Karin JONS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 48: Karin RIIS-JORGENSEN in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 49: Karl Heinz FLORENZ in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografi 50: Luis QUEIRO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
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