Fotografi 1: The European Parliament President Nicole FONTAINE and the European Commissioner Romano PRODI signing an agreement at the European Parliament of Strasbourg in July 2000.
Fotografi 2: The European Parliament President Nicole FONTAINE meeting the MEP Walter VELTRONI at the European Parliament of Strasbourg in July 2000.
Fotografi 3: Exterior view of the European Parliament from the Parc Leopold in September 2000.
Fotografi 4: Exterior view of the Louise WEISS building of the European Parliament of Strasbourg in July 2000.
Fotografi 5: France Minister of European Affairs Pierre MOSCOVICI at the European Parliament in July 2000.
Fotografi 6: The European Commission President Jacques DELORS during a meeting at the European Parliament of Brussels in September 2000.
Fotografi 7: The MEP Bob van den BOS at the European Parliament of Strasbourg in September 2000.
Fotografi 8: The MEP Bob van den BOS at the hemicycle of Strasbourg in September 2000.
Fotografi 9: The MEP Ewa KLAMT with a civil servant at the European Parliament of Brussels in September 2000.
Fotografi 10: The MEP Hans Gert POETTERING at the European Parliament of Brussels in September 2000.
Fotografi 11: The MEP Konstantinos HATZIDAKIS in an office of the European Parliament of Brussels in September 2000.
Fotografi 12: The MEP Luciano CAVERI at the European Parliament of Strasbourg in July 2000.
Fotografi 13: The MEP Markus FERBER and the European Commissioner Frits BOLKENSTEIN at the European Parliament in July 2000.
Fotografi 14: The MEP Paul RUBIG at the European Parliament of Brussels in September 2000.
Fotografi 15: The MEP Willy de CLERCQ at the European Parliament of Brussels in July 2000.
Fotografi 16: The MEP Willy de CLERCQ at the European Parliament of Brussels in July 2000.
Fotografi 17: The sculpture of Ludmila TCHERINA Europe a Coeur in the courtyard of the European Parliament of Strasbourg on the 5th of July 2000.