Community migration policy

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective

LIBE committee meeting. Exchange of views with Dimitrios VITSAS, Greek Minister for Migration Policy on current and future challenges in the field of migration and asylum from a frontline Member State perspective


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