Tribute to Jacques Delors

Tribute to Jacques Delors


The European Parliament payed tribute to Jacques Delors, a former EU Commission President who played an instrumental role in European integration.


The European Parliament payed tribute to Jacques Delors, a former EU Commission President who played an instrumental role in European integration. Delors served as President of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, and was according to most historians of European integration and political scientists, one of the most successful holders of that post to date. His agenda and accomplishments include the EU single market, the Single European Act, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the rapid integration of the former German Democratic Republic into the European Community.

His combination of coherent agenda-setting and strong negotiating skills, acquired through long experience of trade union bargaining and years of ministerial responsibilities in turbulent times, make him a remarkable figure in European history. He also showed himself able to react swiftly to external events, notably the collapse of the Soviet bloc, whilst building Europe’s credibility on the international stage.

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