Fotografie 1: Christos FOLIAS during plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 2: during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 3: during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 4: Gerard CAUDRON during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 5: James L.C. PROVAN, Franz FISCHLER, David MARTIN in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 6: Plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 7: The MEP Adeline HAZAN during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 8: The MEP Beatrice PATRIE during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 9: The MEP Bernard POIGNANT during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 10: The MEP Danielle DARRAS during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 11: The MEP Georges GAROT during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 12: The MEP Hans Gert POETTERING during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 13: The MEP Hans Gert POETTERING during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 14: The MEP Jean-Claude FRUTEAU during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 15: The MEP Lissy GRONER during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 16: The MEP Lissy GRONER during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 17: The MEP Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 18: The MEP Martine ROURE during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 19: The MEP Pervenche BERES during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 20: The MEP Sami NAIR during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 21: The MEP Viviane REDING during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 22: The MEPs Claude TURMES, Alexander de ROO during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 23: Wim DUISENBERG, ECB President, Pedro SOLBES MIRA, European Commissioner and Nicole FONTAINE EP President during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 27, 1999.
Fotografie 24: Christos FOLIAS during plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 25: EP photo
Fotografie 26: Gunter VERHEUGEN, European Commissioner at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 27: Michel BARNIER, European Commission at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 28: Michel BARNIER, European Commission at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 29: Pascal LAMY, European Commissioner at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 30: Poul NIELSON, European Commissioner at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 31: Poul NIELSON, European Commissioner at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 32: Romano PRODI EC President at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 33: Romano PRODI EC President at a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 34: The MEP Astrid LULLING during a meeting in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 35: The MEP Astrid LULLING during a meeting in Strasbourg in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 36: The MEP Catherine LALUMIERE during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 37: The MEP Fode SYLLA during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 38: The MEP Gilles SAVARY during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 39: The MEP Harlem DESIR during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 40: The MEP Harlem DESIR during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 41: The MEP Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 1999.
Fotografie 42: The MEP Marie-Helene GILLIG during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 43: The MEP Martine ROURE during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 44: The MEP Martine ROURE during a session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 45: The MEP Ohtmar KARAS, Wim DUISENBERG, ECB President and Pedro SOLBES MIRA, European Commissiner during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 27, 1999.
Fotografie 46: The MEP Olivier DUHAMEL during a plenary session in Strasbourg In October 1999.
Fotografie 47: The MEP Othmar KARAS during a plenary session in Strasbourg on October 27, 1999.
Fotografie 48: The MEP Viviane REDING during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 49: The MEP Viviane REDING during a plenary session in Strasbourg in October 1999.
Fotografie 50: The MEPs Roger HELMER and Astrid LULLING during a meeting in Strasbourg in October 1999.
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