LABOSO, Joyce (KE)

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP

Signature of an EU Grant of 400,000 € to UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Implementation for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - The signature takes place aside of the Economic Committee of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly taking place at the EP


ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly - 25th session.  Formal opening sitting on the 25th session


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