Zdjęcie 1: EP President at the press conference following the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 2: EP President at the press conference following the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 3: EP President at the press conference following the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 4: EP President at the press conference following the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 5: EP President greets guests during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 6: EP President greets the President of Armenia during the the EU Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 7: EP President talking to Czech Labour Minister and Prime Minister of Sweden  at the end of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 8: Participants of the summit pose for a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 9: Participants of the summit pose for a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 10: Participants of the summit pose for a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 11: Participants of the summit pose for a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 12: The Czech Prime Minister, Prime Minister of Sweden and EP President pose during a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 13: The President of the EP during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 14: The President of the EP during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 15: The President of the EP during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 16: The President of the EP during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 17: The President of the EP during the opening of the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 18: The President of the European Parliament  talking to Czech Prime Minister during the European Union Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 19: The President of the European Parliament  talking to Czech Prime Minister during the European Union Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 20: The President of the European Parliament during the European Union Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 21: The Prime Minister of Sweden, the President of BUSINESSEUROPE  and EP President pose during a family photo after the Employment Summit of the European Union in Prague, Czech Republic.
Zdjęcie 22: The Spanish Foreign Minister ,the President of the European Parliament and the German Chancellor during the the EU Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.