Zdjęcie 1: EU head of states  meeting in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 2: EU head of states  meeting in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 3: EU head of states  meeting in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 4: George ROBERTSON, Neil KINNOCK, european Commissioner and the MEP David MARTIN during a press conference in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 5: Meeting of the Socialist Group of the European Parliament in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 6: Meeting with Jacques DELORS - EC President in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 7: Pancrazio DE PASQUALE, Enrico VINCI, Leoluca Orlando - Mayor of Palermo,  and guests in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 8: Rudy ARNDT, Mieczyslaw RAKOWSKI and Mr SZYMANSKI during a press conference in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 9: The MEP Pancrazio DE PASQUALE, Christopher BEAZLEY  during a press conference in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 10: The MEPs Francisco Antonio LUCAS PIRES,  Manuel dos SANTOS MACHADO during a meeting in Brussels in February 1988.
Zdjęcie 11: Winifred EWING and guests in Brussels in February 1988.