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Signing of the Euratom and the European Common Market agreements  - Treaty of Rome - in the city hall of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957.

Signing of the Euratom and the European Common Market agreements  - Treaty of Rome - in the city hall of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957.

Signing of the Euratom and the European Common Market agreements  - Treaty of Rome - in the city hall of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957.

Signing of the Euratom and the European Common Market agreements  - Treaty of Rome - in the city hall of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957.

Signing of the Treaties of Rome, in the Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii in the Capitol of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957. Two treaties were signed on March 25, 1957 (entered into force January 1st, 1958) : the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). For both new Communities, decisions were taken by the Council on a proposal from the Commission. The Parliamentary Assembly is to be consulted, and give its opinions to the Council. The Assembly increases in size to 142 members. The European Parliamentary Assembly held its first session the following year, on 19 March 1958. With the Treaties of Rome, a specific provision is made for members to be directly elected (this was implemented in 1979).

Rome Treaty Signature 1957

Rome Treaty Signature 1957

Rome Treaty Signature 1957

Rome Treaty Signature 1957

Signature of the Treaty of Rome

Rome Treaty Signature 1957

Signing of the Euratom and the European Common Market agreements  - Treaty of Rome - in the city hall of Rome, Italy, March 25, 1957.

Signing of the Treaty of Rome

Signing of the Treaty of Rome


Signing of the Treaty of Rome

Signing of the Treaty of Rome

Rome Treaty Signature  ceremony - March 1957

Belgian Foreign Minister Paul Henri Spaak, left, smiles as French Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Maurice Faure, next to Spaak, and German Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Walter Hallstein shake hands. Talking in the right corner are Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Luns, second from right, with Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Joseph Bech. They stand outside Rome's City Hall, Italy, March 25, 1957 during a break of the signing procedures on the Euratom and the Common European Market treaties. (AP Photo/Str)