Fotografija 1: Alain LIPIETZ  in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 2: Alain LIPIETZ  in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 3: Alexander Graf LAMBSDORFF in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 4: Andre BRIE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 5: Angelika BEER in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 6: Angelika BEER in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 7: Anne LAPERROUZE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 8: Baroness NICHOLSON OF WINTERBOURNE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 9: Baroness NICHOLSON OF WINTERBOURNE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 10: Baroness Sarah LUDFORD in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 11: Camiel EURLINGS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 12: Carlos COELHO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 13: Carlos COELHO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 14: Caroline LUCAS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 15: Caroline LUCAS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 16: Cem OZDEMIR in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 17: Corien WORTMANN-KOOL in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 18: Diana WALLIS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 19: Elisabeth JEGGLE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 20: Elisabeth SCHROEDTER in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 21: Elly de GROEN KOUWENHOVEN in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 22: Elly de GROEN KOUWENHOVEN in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 23: Elspeth ATTWOOLL in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 24: Elspeth ATTWOOLL in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 25: Francesco Enrico SPERONI in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 26: Francoise CASTEX in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 27: Francoise CASTEX in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 28: Gerard DEPREZ in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 29: Gerard ONESTA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 30: Gerard ONESTA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 31: Giovanni Claudio FAVA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 32: Gisela KALLENBACH in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 33: Gunnar HOKMARK in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 34: Gunnar HOKMARK in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 35: Heide RUHLE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 36: Helene FLAUTRE in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 37: Helga TRUPEL in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 38: Helga TRUPEL in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 39: Ilves BRAGHETTO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 40: Ilves BRAGHETTO in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 41: Imelda Mary READ in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 42: Ines AYALA SENDER in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 43: Jan OLBRYCHT in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 44: Jean LAMBERT in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 45: Jean-Louis BOURLANGES in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 46: Jean-Marie CAVADA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 47: Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT at the EP in Brussels
Fotografija 48: John BOWIS in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 49: Josu ORTUONDO LARREA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
Fotografija 50: Josu ORTUONDO LARREA in a meeting at the EP in Brussels.
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