Fotografija 1: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 2: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 3: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 4: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 5: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 6: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 7: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 8: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 9: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 10: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 11: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 12: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 13: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 14: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 15: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 16: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 17: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 18: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 19: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 20: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 21: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?
Fotografija 22: Debate of the Greens-EFA group - The European Public Prosecutor, A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights ?