Fotagrafa 1: Hugh McMAHON with guest at the EP in Strasbourg
Fotagrafa 2: Joe WILSON with guests at the EP in Strasbourg.
Fotagrafa 3: MEP meets with guests at he the EP in Brussels
Fotagrafa 4: MEPs Imelda READ, Pauline GREEN, Arlene McCARTHY and  Anita POLLACK at the European Parliament
Fotagrafa 5: MEPs Pauline GREEN and Arlene McCARTHY at the European Parliament
Fotagrafa 6: MEPs Pauline GREEN and Bernie MALONE  at the European Parliament
Fotagrafa 7: MEPs Richard BALFE and Pauline GREEN  at the European Parliament
Fotagrafa 8: Tullio Eugenio REGGE in plenary session in Strasbourg, april 1994