Valokuva 1: MEP Arthur Stanley NEWENS meets with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 2: MEP Carole TONGUE meets with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 3: MEP Mark Francis WATTS meets with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 4: MEP Richard HOWITT meets with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 5: MEP Shaun Mark SPIERS meets with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 6: MEPs Arthur Stanley NEWENS, Peter SKINNER, Richard HOWITT, Shaun Mark SPIERS, Mark Francis WATTS, Carole TONGUE and Alfred LOMAS at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 7: MEPs Arthur Stanley NEWENS, Peter SKINNER, Richard HOWITT, Shaun Mark SPIERS, Mark Francis WATTS, Carole TONGUE, Alfred LOMAS meet with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Valokuva 8: MEPs Peter SKINNER and Mark Francis WATTS meet with Neil KINNOCK at the European Parliament in Strasbourg