Valokuva 1: Aggrey Mulala SIKOTA, representative of Zambia, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 2: Alhaji CHAM and Alhaji SABALLY, representative of Gambia, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 3: Co-chairmen of the consultative Assembly Philippe YACE and George SPENALE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 4: Colette FLESCH and co-chairmen Philippe YACE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 5: Colette FLESCH, co-chairmen Philippe YACE and George SPENALE, René VAN DEN BULCKE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 6: Cornelis LABAN during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 7: Ebo BENTSI-ENCHILL and Cameron DUODU, representatives of Ghana, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 8: Emeldah Benjamin MATHE, Botswana’s ambassador to the European Communities, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 9: Emmanuel NDAHIMANA, representative of RWANDA, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 10: EP President Georges SPENALE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 11: EP President Georges SPENALE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 12: European commissioner for development and cooperation Claude CHEYSSON during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 13: European commissioner for development and cooperation Claude CHEYSSON during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 14: European commissioner for development and cooperation Claude CHEYSSON during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 15: Flags of EP and EEC-ACP countries flow during the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June, 1st, 1976
Valokuva 16: Flags of EP and EEC-ACP countries flow during the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June, 1st, 1976
Valokuva 17: Francis FRANK, representative of Jamaica, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 18: G.A. KING, President of the EEC-ACP Council during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 19: G.A. KING, President of the EEC-ACP Council during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 20: Gaetan RUGAMBARARA, representative of Burundi during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 21: Jules RAZAFIMBAHINY (L) and Raymond RASAMOELINA, representatives of Madagascar during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 22: Karl-Heinz WALKHOFF during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 23: Lord Hugh REAY during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 24: Lord Hugh REAY during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 25: Lord Hugh REAY during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 26: Majara MATETE and T. MATSEPE, representatives of LESOTHO, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 27: Marcel Albert VANDEWIELE during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 28: Philippe YACE and EP President Georges SPENALE (L) ahead of a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June, 1st, 1976
Valokuva 29: Philippe YACE and EP President Georges SPENALE (L) during a meeting in the margins of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June, 1st, 1976
Valokuva 30: Samballa DIALLO, representative of Mali, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 31: Satcam BOOLELL, representative of Mauritius, during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 32: Vice-President of the EEC-ACP Consultative Assembly Solomon Tandeng MUNA during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 33: Vice-President of the EEC-ACP Consultative Assembly Solomon Tandeng MUNA during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June 1st, 1976
Valokuva 34: Walter BEHRENDT during a meeting of the Consultative Assembly EEC-ACP in Luxembourg, June, 1st, 1976
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