European Citizens’ Panels

European Citizens’ Panels



The Conference on the Future of Europe is a series of citizen-led debates and discussions that enable people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common European future. The European Citizens´panels are an integral part of the CoFoE.

The European Citizens’ Panel on "EU in the world / Migration" will meet at the European Institute for Public Administration in Maastricht and online to deliver its recommendations. In March, the Panel’s report - on the EU’s self-reliance and stability, its place in the world, and all aspects of migration-related issues - will be debated in a Conference Plenary session.

The panels bring together people from different walks of life. Citizens have been chosen randomly by specialist contractors on behalf of the EU institutions, using methodologies that ensure that they are representative of the EU's diversity in terms of geographic origin, gender, age, socioeconomic background and level of education. Young people between 16 and 25 make up one-third of each panel.

These citizens come up with ideas and recommendations that will feed into the overall Conference deliberations, in particular into the Conference Plenaries, and ultimately into the report on its final outcome. The European Citizens’ Panels kicked off with the first 200-citizen meeting 17-19 of September in Strasbourg.

The first sessions of all four Panels took place on Parliament’s premises in Strasbourg and began working on draft recommendations within each Panel’s remit. This first European Citizens’ Panel focused on a stronger economy, social justice, jobs/education, youth, culture, and sport/digital transformation, based on citizens’ contributions collected from across Europe on a Multilingual Digital Platform, as well as support and presentations from prominent academics. The second European Citizens’ Panel focused on European democracy/values, rights, the rule of law, and security. The third panel´s agenda was climate change, environment and health. The fourth on the EU in the world/migration.

Also, the Panels are meeting in four European academic institutions (Dublin, Florence, Natolin/Warsaw, and Maastricht) to finalise their recommendations so they can be discussed at the Conference Plenary.

From 25-27 February the final European Citizens' Panels covering ‘A stronger economy, social justice and jobs / Education, culture, youth and sport / Digital transformation' was held in Dublin. The recommendations will be debated at the Conference Plenary in early March, alongside recommendations from the Panel on 'EU in the world / migration', and from national panels and events.

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