#EUelections2019 - European Border and Coast Guard

#EUelections2019 - European Border and Coast Guard



On 12 September 2018, the Commission came forward with a proposal for a new regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard as part of initiatives aiming to develop long-term migration policy. The proposal aims to reinforce the protection of the European Union external borders and to increase the efficiency of returning migrants in an irregular situation.

During the last Plenary session of its mandate the European Parliament approved the new law to strengthen the European Border and Coast Guard, to ensure better protection of EU external borders.

A new standing corps will be set up to support EU countries on the ground in border control and return tasks, as well as in the fight against cross-border crime. Starting with 5,000 operational staff in 2021, the standing corps will be fully operational by 2027 with 10,000 staff. In addition, a rapid reserve pool will be created for deployment in emergencies.

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