#EUelections2019 - Food safety

#EUelections2019 - Food safety



The European Parliament 's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is responsible for food safety issues, including the labelling and safety of foodstuffs, veterinary legislation safeguarding against risks to human health, and public health checks on foodstuffs and food production systems.

Parliament is also particularly vigilant with regard to threats to consumer health related to cloned animals and nanomaterials or GMOs. It scrutinises and regularly opposes draft proposals for authorisation or renewal of new genetically modified plants such as maize or soya beans. In order to ensure greater transparency throughout the food chain and to better inform European consumers, Parliament, in a resolution adopted in May 2016, reiterated its call on the Commission to present legislative proposals for the mandatory indication of the origin of, in particular, meat used as an ingredient in processed foods. This should restore consumer confidence in the wake of the horsemeat scandal and other food fraud cases. In 2017, Parliament and Council agreed upon new rules to tighten up official food inspections aimed at improving food traceability and combating fraud. During the negotiations, Parliament managed to strengthen enforcement in relation to fraudulent or deceptive practices.

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