Φωτογραφία 1: Commissioner Gunter VERHEUGEN attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 2: ECON Committee - Exchange of views with Thor PEDERSEN, ECOFIN council President
Φωτογραφία 3: ECON Committee - Monetary Dialogue with the President of the European Central Bank
Φωτογραφία 4: ECON Committee meeting - Installation of the Interinstitutionnal Supervision Committee of ruling and legislative procedures
Φωτογραφία 5: ECON Committee press conference - Installation of the Interinstitutionnal Supervision Committee of ruling and legislative procedures
Φωτογραφία 6: EP President meets with European Commissioner Neil KINNOCK
Φωτογραφία 7: EP President meets with French Minister of Agriculture
Φωτογραφία 8: EP Secretary General Julian PRIESTLEY attends a reception in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 9: Hall near the hemicycle in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 10: Hungfary's President Ferenc MADL visits the EP in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 11: Juan Carlos LECOMPTE, husband of Ingrid Betancourt, attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 12: Meeting of the Convention on the Future of Europe
Φωτογραφία 13: MEP Antonios TRAKATELLIS attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 14: MEP Charlotte CEDERSCHIOLD attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 15: MEP Christa RANDZIO-PLATH attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 16: MEP Eija-Riitta KORHOLA attends a meeting in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 17: MEP Eryl Margaret McNALLY attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 18: MEP Francois ZIMERAY holds a news conference in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 19: MEP Frederique RIES attends a meeting Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 20: MEP Gerhard SCHMID attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 21: MEP Giacomo SANTINI attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 22: MEP Giorgos DIMITRAKOPOULOS attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 23: MEP Jean Luc DEHAENE holds a news conference in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 24: MEP Joseph DAUL  attends a press conference in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 25: MEP Karin JONS attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 26: MEP Karin RIIS-JORGENSEN attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 27: MEP Karl Eric OLSSON attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 28: MEP Karl Heinz FLORENZ attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 29: MEP Luisa MORGANTINI attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 30: MEP Malcolm HARBOUR attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 31: MEP Marie-Francoise GARAUD attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 32: MEP Ole B. SORENSEN attends a meeting in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 33: MEP Patsy SORENSEN attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 34: MEP Robert STURDY attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 35: MEP Roy PERRY attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 36: MEP Sabine ZISSENER attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 37: MEP Ursula SCHLEICHER attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 38: MEP Wolfgang KREISSL-D0RFLER attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 39: Pat COX, EP President, attends a European Union leaders Summit in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 40: Pat COX, EP President, attends a European Union leaders Summit in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 41: Pat COX, EP President, attends a European Union leaders Summit in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 42: Portrait of MEP Christa KLASS
Φωτογραφία 43: Portrait of MEP Glyn FORD in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 44: Portrait of MEP John HUME in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 45: Portrait of MEP Jorge MOREIRA DA SILVA
Φωτογραφία 46: Romano PRODI, EC President, attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 47: Spain's Agriculture Minister Miguel ARIAS CANETE attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 48: Spain's Prime Minister Jose Maria AZNAR attends a meeting in Brussels
Φωτογραφία 49: The Earl Of STOCKTON, MEP, attends a plenary session in Strasbourg
Φωτογραφία 50: The Lord INGLEWOOD attends a meeting in Brussels
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