Φωτογραφία 1: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.
Φωτογραφία 2: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.
Φωτογραφία 3: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.
Φωτογραφία 4: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.
Φωτογραφία 5: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.
Φωτογραφία 6: Antonio TAJANI, EP President invites Greta THUNBERG for an exchange of views  with EP members.