Foto 1: Sabine LOSING - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 2: Ska KELLER - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 3: Stefan Bernhard ECK - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 4: Susanne Marie MELIOR - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 5: Sven GIEGOLD - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 6: Sven SCHULZE - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 7: Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 8: Thomas HANDEL - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 9: Thomas MANN - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 10: Udo BULLMANN - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 11: Udo VOIGT - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 12: Ulrike RODUST - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 13: Werner KUHN - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 14: Andreas SCHWAB - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 15: Arndt KOHN - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 16: Gabriele PREUSS - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 17: Hans Olaf HENKEL - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 18: Joachim STARBATTY - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 19: Jörg MEUTHEN - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 20: Michael DETJEN - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 21: Monika HOHLMEIER - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 22: Rebecca HARMS - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 23: Romeo FRANZ - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 24: SCHIRDEWAN Martin - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 25: Stefan GEHROLD - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 26: Terry REINTKE - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 27: Tiemo WOELKEN - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 28: Ulrike MULLER - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 29: Wolf KLINZ - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 30: Babette WINTER - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 31: Bernd LANGE - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 32: Daniel CASPARY - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 33: Dennis RADTKE - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 34: Elmar BROK - 8th Parliamentary Term
Foto 35: Gesine MEISSNER - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 36: Iris HOFFMANN - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 37: Karl-Heinz FLORENZ - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 38: Manfred WEBER - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 39: Maria HEUBEUCH - 8th Parliamentary term
Foto 40: Maria NOICHL - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 41: Nadja HIRSCH - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 42: Peter LIESE - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 43: Rainer WIELAND - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 44: Sabine VERHEYEN - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 45: Ulrike TREBESIUS - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 46: Werner LANGEN - 8th Parliamentary term - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Foto 47: GERMAN MEPs official portrait - 8th Parliamentary term
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