Liberal and Democratic Group


Meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee EU - ACP, with Yvon BOURGES MEP, Mayor of Dinard, KASONGO MUKUNDJI, President of the Committee, Maurice DEWULF, Vice President and Ernst ACHENBACH MEP.

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-AASM, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-AASM, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Réunion de la Commission Paritaire de la Conférence Parlementaire, organe de contrôle démocratique de l'Association C.E.E.-EA.M.A. instituée par la Convention de Yaoundé, à Libreville, Gabon, 28 au 30 octobre 1970.Les débats ont été présidés par Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroun) qui était assisté du vice-président Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, ministre malien des Affaires étrangères et Président en exercice du Conseil d'Association, a participé aux travaux ainsi que le Secrétaire d'Etat italien aux Affaires étrangères, Mario PEDINI, qui représentait le Conseil des Communautés Européennes. Hans-Broder KROHN, Directeur Général de l'aide au développement à la Commission des Communautés européennes était également présent. Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-EAME, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-AASM, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-EAME, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-AASM, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.

Ernst ACHENBACH during a plenary session in Strasbourg, June 14-18, 1976

Réunion de la Commission Paritaire de la Conférence Parlementaire, organe de contrôle démocratique de l'Association C.E.E.-EA.M.A. instituée par la Convention de Yaoundé, à Libreville, Gabon, 28 au 30 octobre 1970.Les débats ont été présidés par Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroun) qui était assisté du vice-président Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, ministre malien des Affaires étrangères et Président en exercice du Conseil d'Association, a participé aux travaux ainsi que le Secrétaire d'Etat italien aux Affaires étrangères, Mario PEDINI, qui représentait le Conseil des Communautés Européennes. Hans-Broder KROHN, Directeur Général de l'aide au développement à la Commission des Communautés européennes était également présent. Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Parliamentary Conference, body of democratic control of the EEC-EAME, established by the Yaounde Convention, in Libreville, Gabon, October 28-30, 1970.The debates were chaired by Jean NGO'O MEBE (Cameroon) assisted by vice-president Ernst ACHENBACH. Charles Samba SISSOKO, Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, President-in-Office of the Association Council, and Mario PEDINI, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,representing the Council of the European Communities tool part in the work. Hans-Broder KROHN, Director-General of Development Aid to the EEC was also present.


Ernst ACHENBACH in 1975-76


Ernst Wilhelm ACHENBACH during a session in Strasbourg, France, October 1973.


9th Annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the  EEC/AASM association in Kinshasa, Zaire, in January 1973




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