Billede 1: Agustin DIAZ DE MERA MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 2: Alejandro CERCAS ALONSO MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 3: ANDRES BAREA Josefa MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 4: ARIAS ECHEVERRIA Pablo MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 5: AYALA SENDER Ines MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 6: AYUSO GONZALEZ Maria del Pilar MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 7: BADIA I CUTCHET Maria MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 8: BILBAO BARANDICA Izaskun MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 9: CORTÉS LASTRA, Ricardo MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 10: Cristina GUTIERREZ-CORTINES MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 11: de GRANDES PASCUAL Luis MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 12: del CASTILLO VERA Pilar MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 13: Emilio MENENDEZ DEL VALLE MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 14: EPP
Billede 15: ES, S&D: Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
Billede 16: ESTARAS FERRAGUT Rosa MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 17: FISAS AYXELA Santiago MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 18: FRAGA ESTÉVEZ Carmen MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 19: Francisco SOSA WAGNER MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 20: GARCÍA PEREZ, Iratxe MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 21: GARCIA-MARGALLO Y MARFIL, Jose Manuel MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 22: GARDIAZÁBAL RUBIAL, Eider MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 23: GUERRERO SALOM, Enrique MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 24: ITURGÁIZ ANGULO, Carlos MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 25: JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO Teresa MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 26: Juan Fernando LOPEZ AGUILAR MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 27: LOPE FONTAGNÉ, Veronica  MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 28: LOPEZ-ISTURIZ WHITE Antonio MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 29: Luis YANEZ-BARNUEVO GARCIA MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 30: MASIP HIDALGO Antonio MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 31: MATO ADROVER, Gabriel MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 32: MAYOR OREJA Jaime MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 33: MÉNDEZ DE VIGO Íñigo MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 34: MEP Antonio LOPEZ ISTURIZ WHITE - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 35: MEYER, Willy MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 36: Miguel Angel MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 37: MILLÁN MON Francisco José MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 38: MUNIZ DE URQUIZA, Maria Paloma MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 39: OBIOLS Raimon MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 40: PERELLO RODRIGUEZ Andres MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 41: Picture 2824
Billede 42: Raul ROMEVA i RUEDA MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 43: RIERA MADURELL Teresa MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 44: ROMERO LÓPEZ, Carmen MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 45: SALAFRANCA SÁNCHEZ-NEYRA José Ignacio MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term.
Billede 46: Salvador GARRIGA POLLEDO  MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 47: SÁNCHEZ PRESEDO, Antolín MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 48: Sergio GUTIERREZ PRIETO  MEP - 7th Parliamentary Term
Billede 49: TREMOSA i BALCELLS, Ramon MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
Billede 50: VIDAL-QUADRAS ROCA, Alejo MEP - 7th Parliamentary term
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