Billede 1: Caroline NAGTEGAAL - 8th Parliamentary Term
Billede 2: Cornelis DE JONG - 8th Parliamentary Term
Billede 3: Esther de LANGE - 8th Parliamentary term  - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Billede 4: Judith SARGENTINI - 8th Parliamentary term  - Please address the MEP's office to get the latest official portrait
Billede 5: Jeroen LENAERS - 8th Parliamentary Term
Billede 6: DUTCH MEPs official portrait - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 7: Agnes Maria JONGERIUS - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 8: Anne-Marie MINEUR - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 9: Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 10: Antje Anna Helena HAZEKAMP - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 11: Bas EICKHOUT - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 12: Bastiaan BELDER - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 13: ELISSEN Andre - 8th Parliamentary Term
Billede 14: Gerben-Jan GERBRANDY - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 15: Jan HUITEMA - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 16: Johannes Cornelis van BAALEN - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 17: Katalin PIRI - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 18: Lambert van NISTELROOIJ - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 19: Marcel de GRAAF - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 20: Marietje SCHAAKE - 8th Parliamentary Term
Billede 21: Matthijs VAN MILTENBURG - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 22: MEP Auke ZIJLSTRA - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 23: Olaf Frederik STUGER - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 24: Paul TANG - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 25: Peter van DALEN - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 26: Sophia in 't VELD - 8th Parliamentary term
Billede 27: Wim van de CAMP - 8th Parliamentary term