European Council, 24-25 June 2021

European Council, 24-25 June 2021



EU leaders met in Brussels for a two-day summit. On 24 June they discussed COVID-19, migration and external relations, including Turkey and Russia. They also met UN Secretary-General António Guterres. In the evening, they discussed the EU fundamental value of LGBTIQ non-discrimination. On 25 June economic recovery and the challenges for the euro area were on the agenda.

The European Council welcomed the good progress on vaccination and the overall improvement in the epidemiological situation. The leaders also stressed the need to continue vaccination efforts, be vigilant and coordinated, particularly in developments such as the emergence and spread of variants of concern. EU leaders also acknowledged the importance of the agreements reached on the EU digital COVID certificate and on the revision of the two Council recommendations on travel within the EU and non-essential travel into the EU. EU countries are to apply them in a manner that will help achieve the full return to free movement as soon as the public health situation allows.

The European Council discussed the migration situation on the various routes. While the measures taken by the EU and its member states have brought down the overall irregular flows in recent years, developments on some routes give rise to concern and require continued vigilance and urgent action. EU leaders agreed that mutually beneficial partnerships and cooperation with countries of origin and transit will be intensified to prevent loss of life and to reduce pressure on European borders, as part of the EU's external action.

Leaders also reviewed the state of play on the implementation of the EU's Next Generation EU recovery plan. They underlined the importance of full and timely implementation of the national recovery and resilience plans while protecting the financial interest of the EU. They encouraged the Commission and the Council to take the work on the plans' approval forward to enable member states to use the recovery funding to its full potential.

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