Fotografie 1: MEP Alexander LANGER during an interview in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 2: MEP Jean-Louis BORLOO during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 3: MEP Renzo TRIVELLI during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 4: The MEP Antoine WAECHTER during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 5: The MEP Astrid LULLING during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 6: The MEP Ben FAYOT during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 7: The MEP Francois GUILLAUME during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 8: The MEP Honor FUNK during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 9: The MEP Jeannou LACAZE during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 10: The MEP Jose Maria RUIZ MATEOS during a session in Strasbourg in September 1989.
Fotografie 11: The MEP Lissy GRONER during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 12: The MEP Marc GALLE during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 13: The MEP Maria MAGNANI NOYA during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 14: The MEP Marie-Jose DENYS during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 15: The MEP Pauline GREEN during a session in Strasbourg in October 1989.
Fotografie 16: Visit of Francois MITTERRAND, President of France at the European Parliament in Strasbourg