Plenary debate - Rule of Law in Slovakia



11. 4. 2024

Hemicycle-BXL - SPAAK



Parliament quizes the Council and the Commission about how they intend to address the controversial reform proposals made by Robert Fico’s government. MEPs are expected to reiterate concerns about the Slovak government’s plans for criminal code reform and changes in the functioning of the country’s public-service media. MEPs say the ongoing reform, which led to the dissolution of Slovakia’s Special Prosecutor’s Office on 20 March and reduces penalties and limitation periods for financial crimes, threatens Slovakia’s ability to fight corruption and protect the EU budget. They are also likely to stress that the plans for the public broadcaster will have to be assessed in light of the EU’s recently-adopted Media Freedom Act. The proposed Act on Slovak Television and Radio is facing widespread criticism for giving the government direct control over public media, and curtailing their independence.

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