Снимка 1: Alfons BOESMANS speaks in plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 2: Amedee TURNER attends a plenary session in November 1988
Снимка 3: Amedee TURNER attends a plenary session in November 1988
Снимка 4: Barbara A. CASTLE speaks in plenary session in April 1988
Снимка 5: Barbara A. CASTLE speaks in plenary session in April 1988
Снимка 6: Basil DE FERRANTI meets with Sir LORD PLUMB, EP President, in April 1988
Снимка 7: Carla BARBARELLA speaks in plenary session in May 1988
Снимка 8: Carlos ABOIM INGLEZ attend a plenary session in February 1988
Снимка 9: Ejner CHRISTIANSEN speaks in plenary session in November 1988
Снимка 10: EP President meets with French Foreign Minister Roland DUMAS
Снимка 11: EP President meets with Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, in October 1988
Снимка 12: EP President signs the 1988 budget
Снимка 13: EP President visits the Kremlin under invitation of Supreme Soviet President Gromyko
Снимка 14: Ettore ANDENNA attends a plenary session in January 1988
Снимка 15: Francisco Antonio LUCAS PIRES speaks in plenary session in June 1988
Снимка 16: Francois ROELANTS DU VIVIER speaks in plenary session in September 1988
Снимка 17: Francois ROELANTS DU VIVIER speaks in plenary session in September 1988
Снимка 18: Frode KRISTOFFERSEN speaks in plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 19: George STEVENSON speaks in plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 20: George STEVENSON speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 21: George STEVENSON speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 22: George STEVENSON speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 23: German Chancellor Helmut KOHL adresses a plenary session in 1988
Снимка 24: German Chancellor Helmut KOHL adresses a plenary session in 1988
Снимка 25: Giovanni GIAVAZZI speaks in plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 26: Glyn FORD speaks in plenary sesison in December 1988
Снимка 27: Glyn FORD speaks in plenary sesison in December 1988
Снимка 28: Gro Harlem BRUNDTLAND, Prime Minister of Norway, visits the EP in October 1988
Снимка 29: Gunther MULLER attends a plenary session in April 1988
Снимка 30: Gunther MULLER attends a plenary session in April 1988
Снимка 31: Hans Dietrich GENSCHER in the hemicycle in 1988
Снимка 32: Hans Dietrich GENSCHER in the hemicycle, 1988
Снимка 33: Hedy d'ANCONA speaks in plenary session in January 1988
Снимка 34: Ian PAISLEY protests against Pope John Paul II's visit to the EP in Strasbourg in October 1988
Снимка 35: Jens-Peter BONDE speaks in plenary session in September 1988
Снимка 36: John BIRD speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 37: John TOMLINSON speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 38: Jose Emilio CERVERA CARDONA speaks in plenary session in November 1988
Снимка 39: Jose Emilio CERVERA CARDONA speaks in plenary session in November 1988
Снимка 40: Jose HAPPART attends a plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 41: Jose Manuel MEDEIROS FERREIRA attends a plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 42: Jose Manuel MEDEIROS FERREIRA attends a plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 43: Jose Manuel MEDEIROS FERREIRA attends a plenary session in December 1988
Снимка 44: Karl-Heinrich MIHR speaks in plenary session in March 1988
Снимка 45: Karl-Heinrich MIHR speaks in plenary session in March 1988
Снимка 46: Lars POULSEN attends a plenary session in March 1988
Снимка 47: Leen VAN DER WAAL speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 48: Lore NEUGEBAUER attends a plenary session in January 1988
Снимка 49: Luis PLANAS PUCHADES speaks in plenary session in October 1988
Снимка 50: Mary BANOTTI attends a plenary session in June 1988
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