760.879 rezultatov

Meeting of the permanent joint committee of the parliamentary conference of the Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated (EEC-AASM, Association entre la Communauté Economique Européenne et les États Africains et Malgache associés, CEE-EAMA in French) in Strasbourg, France, May 14-16, 1962.

Jean-Baptiste Rodin ANDRIANATORO, Alexandre RAKOTO ZAFIMAHERY and RATSIMA during a meeting of the permanent joint committee of the parliamentary conference of the Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated (EEC-AASM, Association entre la Communauté Economique Européenne et les États Africains et Malgache associés, CEE-EAMA in French) in Strasbourg, France, May 14-16, 1962.

Meeting of the permanent joint committee of the parliamentary conference of the Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated (EEC-AASM, Association entre la Communauté Economique Européenne et les États Africains et Malgache associés, CEE-EAMA in French) in Strasbourg, France, May 14-16, 1962.

Jean-Jacques GOMA and André-Georges MOUYABI during a meeting of the permanent joint committee of the parliamentary conference of the Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated (EEC-AASM, Association entre la Communauté Economique Européenne et les États Africains et Malgache associés, CEE-EAMA in French) in Strasbourg, France, May 14-16, 1962.

Paul J KAPTEYN during a session in Strasbourg, France, May 09, 1962.

Mario PEDINI during a session in Strasbourg, France, May 09, 1962.

Charles JANSSENS during a session in Strasbourg, France, May 09, 1962.

Giorgio BRACCESI during a session in Strasbourg, France, May 09, 1962.


Giorgio BRACCESI during a session in Strasbourg, France, May 09, 1962.

Jean FOHRMANN  and Maurice COUVE DE MURVILLE during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Maurice COUVE DE MURVILLE during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Maurice COUVE DE MURVILLE during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Walter HALLSTEIN during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Gaetano MARTINO and Walter HALLSTEIN during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Gaetano MARTINO and Walter HALLSTEIN during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962


Walter HALLSTEIN during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Jean FOHRMANN during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962

Gaetano MARTINO during the European Parliamentary Assembly on the 30th of March 1962