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Gaston THORN MEP, decorated with the National Order of Rwanda by Makuza ANASTASE,Ministre de la justice et de l'Education, during the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM  in Rwanda . (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Meeting in Rwanda of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM. Gaston THORN MEP avec les ministers Rwandais : Madeleine AYINKAMIYE, Frodouard MINANI and Sixte BUTERA (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Augustin MUNYANEZA, Foreign Affairs Minister of Rwanda with guests before the meeting in Rwanda of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gregoire KAYIBANDA, President of Rwanda meets with Gaston THORN MEP, ahead of the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Emile VANRULLEN MEP, Leon Eli TROCLET MEP and KOMLAN KOOMA, representative of Togo, during the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association in Rwanda EEC - AASM. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gregoire KAYIBANDA, President of Rwanda at the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gaston THORN MEP, decorated with the National Order of Rwanda by Makuza ANASTASE,Ministre de la justice et de l'Education, during the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM  in Rwanda . (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gregoire KAYIBANDA, President of Rwanda, Gaston THORN MEP and Makuza ANASTASE,Ministre de la justice et de l'Education, presiding over the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gaston THORN MEP, decorated with the National Order of Rwanda by Makuza ANASTASE,Ministre de la justice et de l'Education, during the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM  in Rwanda . (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)


Meeting in Rwanda of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gregoire KAYIBANDA, president of Rwanda in the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda . (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gaston THORN MEP and Jacques HAKIZIMANA, Health Minister of Rwanda enjoy a performance of ethnic dancing before the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda . (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Makuza ANASTASE,Ministre de la justice et de l'Education, at the meeting in Rwanda of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Andre GUILLABERT, representative of Senegal and Mario PEDINI MEP at the meeting in Rwanda of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Gregoire KAYIBANDA, President of Rwanda at the meeting of the Permanent Joint Committee of the Parliamentary association EEC - AASM in Rwanda. (March 1 - 5, 1965, EU - ACP)

Members of the Parliament observe a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of Sir Winston Churchill during a plenary session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, January 25, 2019

Members of the Parliament observe a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of Sir Winston Churchill during a plenary session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, January 25, 2019


Victor LEEMANS during a plenary session in Strasbourg, January 21, 1965.