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US Deputy Special Representative in Europe Fred L. ANDERSON (CL) shakes hands with President of the ECSC High Authority Jean MONNET and State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the West German Republic Walter HALLSTEIN (C) and US member of the delegation Stanley CLEVELAND (L) as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC - Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier, CECA in french) holds its first opening session in Strasbourg, France, September 10, 1952.

Fred ANDERSON, Ambassador of the USA, HALLSTEIN, State Secretary for foreign affairs of the West German Republic and Jean MONNET

CECA: Train wears flags charged with coal cross the French-Luxemburg border


CECA: Train wears flags charged with coal cross the French-Luxemburg border

Correspondence between ECSC High Authority President Jean MONNET and ECSC President Paul-Henri SPAAK, February 9, 1953.

Correspondence between ECSC High Authority President Jean MONNET and ECSC President Paul-Henri SPAAK, February 9, 1953.

Answer of Jean Monnet to a question of Michel Debré in February 1953

Answer of Jean Monnet to a question of Michel Debré in February 1953

Answer of Jean Monnet to a question of Michel Debré in February 1953


European integration, and in particular the setting up of a six power European political authority, was discussed by three successive assemblies meeting  at Strasbourg

European integration, and in particular the setting up of a six power European political authority, was discussed by three successive assemblies meeting  at Strasbourg

European integration, and in particular the setting up of a six power European political authority, was discussed by three successive assemblies meeting  at Strasbourg


European integration, and in particular the setting up of a six power European political authority, was discussed by three successive assemblies meeting  at Strasbourg

Head of the US delegation to the Schuman Plan High Authority William TOMLINSON (C), member of the US delegation Stanley CLEVELAND (L) and member of the High Authority Dirk SPIERENBURG (R), confer in the margins of a meeting of the ECSC Common Assembly, in Strasbourg, France, January 10, 1953..

Meeting of the SCHUMAN Plan Assembly ; Stanley CLEVELAND of the US delegation to the Hight Authority; William TOMLINSON, who heads the US delegation to the SCHUMAN Plan Hight Authority; and Dirk SPIERENBURG of the Netherlands, member of the Hight Authority.

Head of the US delegation to the Schuman Plan High Authority William TOMLINSON, member of the delegation Stanley CLEVELAND (Left) and member of the High Authority Dirk SPIERENBURG (NL, right), confer in the margins of a meeting of the Schuman Plan Assembly, in Strasbourg, France, January 7-10, 1953

Chairman of the Schuman Plan High Authority Jean MONNET confers with Pierre-Henri TEITGEN (FR) during the meeting of the Assemblies in Strasbourg, France, January 7-10, 1953

Paul-Henri SPAAK shakes hands with Jean MONNET, Chairman of the ECSC High Authority, in the fringes of a meeting of the ad hoc Assembly for a Political European Community (CPE), in Strasbourg