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US Deputy Special Representative in Europe Fred L. ANDERSON (C) chats with Franz ETZEL (L) and Heinz POTTHOFF,  in the margins of a session of the ECSC in Strasbourg, September 11, 1952

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Jean Monnet and Konrad ADENAUER

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Franz ETZEL and Heinrich VON BRENTANO

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Fred ANDERSON, James MARJORIBANKS, William TOMLINSON - UK and US delegation

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA)  - Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet (AP Photo)

Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, right, and author of the Pool Plan chats with Jean Monnet of France, Chairman of the Pool's high authority after the opening session on Sept. 8, 1952. The meeting was the first to be held since the formation of the top-level organising bodies of the pool and their installation in Luxembourg and was attended by the ministers of foreign affairs and of economic affairs of the six nations in the pool. (AP Photo)


Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, right, and author of the Pool Plan chats with Jean Monnet of France, Chairman of the Pool's high authority after the opening session on Sept. 8, 1952. The meeting was the first to be held since the formation of the top-level organising bodies of the pool and their installation in Luxembourg and was attended by the ministers of foreign affairs and of economic affairs of the six nations in the pool. (AP Photo)

Cancellor and Foreign Minister of the West German Republic Dr Konrad ADENAUER talks to Hermann PUNDER, one of the five vice-presidents of the European Coal And Steel Community assembly

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Paul-Henri SPAAK speaking to the hemicycle

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Paul-Henri SPAAK  speaking to the hemicycle

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC-CECA) - Paul-Henri SPAAK  speaking to the hemicycle


Inauguration of the High Authority of the ECSC in Luxembourg.


Inauguration of the High Authority of the ECSC in Luxembourg.

Inauguration of the High Authority of the ECSC in Luxembourg - The first steel ingot 'Europ'

Jean Monnet, chief architect of the Schuman Plan and President of the High Authority, delivers his inaugural speech outlining the tasks and responsabilities of the new organization Aug.18,1952. Behind him, on the wall is a painting of Grand Duchess Charlotte, soverign of Luxembourg.(AP Photo/usia)

The Schuman Coal and Steel Merger Plan chiefs group picture during a ceremony at the Town Hall in Luxembourg on August 10, 1952

Opening session of the high authority of the ECSC (CECA) chaired by Jean Monnet in Luxembourg on August 10, 1952

Opening session of the high authority of the ECSC (CECA) chaired by Jean Monnet in Luxembourg on August 10, 1952